Switch. Most languages have a switch statement or a similar construct. The PHP switch handles multiple cases: we have a variable, and test for many possible values.
With switch, we impart some symmetry to our programs. Usually we use "if" first, but in rewriting a program, changing to a switch may help it be more maintainable.
This program shows 3 versions of code that assigns a string to a literal value based on an integer. We test the bird_count integer.
Version 1 We use a switch statement on the bird_count, which is equal to 1. The second case (case 1) matches, and our string equals "One bird."
Version 2 We use match, a newer feature found in PHP 8. We handle the same cases but with "fat" arrow syntax.
Version 3 We use if-elseif to handle all the cases. This version can be changed to support "greater" and "less than" tests.
$bird_count = 1;
// Version 1: use switch to get bird count message.
$result = "";
switch ($bird_count) {
case 0:
$result = "No birds";
case 1:
$result = "One bird";
case 2:
$result = "Two birds";
$result = "Many birds";
// Version 2: use match to get message string.
$result = match ($bird_count) {
0 => "No birds",
1 => "One bird",
2 => "Two birds",
default => "Many birds",
// Version 3: use if/elseif/else to get message string.
$result = "";
if ($bird_count == 0) {
$result = "No birds";
} elseif ($bird_count == 1) {
$result = "One bird";
} elseif ($bird_count == 2) {
$result = "Two birds";
} else {
$result = "Many birds";
var_dump($result);string(8) "One bird"
string(8) "One bird"
string(8) "One bird"
In newer versions of PHP (like 8 onwards) we can use match instead of switch for clearer, simpler syntax. But switch still has some utility as it can support multiple statements in a case.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.