String split Examples
This page was last reviewed on Nov 16, 2022.
Dot Net Perls
Split. Strings often contain blocks of data. With split, we separate these blocks based on a delimiter. In Ruby, a string, or a regular expression, is used as the separator.
Shows a method
Split details. This method is widely used. When we omit an argument, it separates a string on spaces. This is the default behavior.
First example. Consider the input string here: it contains 3 parts. Each one is separated with a comma character—and there are internal spaces in each part.
Detail We call split(), specifying a comma as the delimiter character. This separates those 3 parts.
And The resulting array has 3 string elements. We loop over these with the "each" iterator.
Shows a method
# Split this string on comma characters. input = "lowercase a,uppercase A,lowercase z" values = input.split(",") # Display each value to the console. values.each do |value| puts value end
lowercase a uppercase A lowercase z
No arguments. No arguments are required to split on a space character. The space delimiter is implicit: you do not need to specify it. This can make some programs easier to read.
But Perhaps a comment would help in this case. Usually split() is called with a delimiter, so this may not be as expected.
input = "a b c" # We do not specify an argument: space is implicit. values = input.split() puts values
a b c
Regexp. Split does not require a simple string argument. It can act also upon a regular expression (regexp). In Ruby we specify these with forward slashes.
Here We specify a delimiter of one or more non-word characters. The Kleene closure + indicates "one or more."
Tip The delimiter here matches one or two characters. It includes both the comma and the following space.
So The resulting string array has no empty values. It contains just the four words stored within the text.
value = "one, two three: four" # Split on one or more non-word characters. a = value.split(/\W+/) # Display result. puts a
one two three four
\W+ One or more non-word characters.
Limit. This is the maximum number of array elements that are returned. If more elements are found than are allowed by the limit, the excess ones are grouped in the final array element.
Tip Limiting the number of array elements can be useful if you only need the first several parts from a string.
# Contains five vegetable names. value = "carrot,squash,corn,broccoli,spinach" # Split with limit of 3. vegetables = value.split(",", 3) puts vegetables
carrot squash corn,broccoli,spinach
Empty. Often the split method will return empty entries. These are caused by having two delimiters with no interior content. We can invoke delete_if to remove these empty elements.
So We use an iterator block. We delete all elements that are zero chars. The empty entry, between "cat" and "dog," is removed.
# Split on a comma. value = "cat,,dog,bird" elements = value.split(",") print elements, "\n" # Remove empty elements from the array. elements.delete_if{|e| e.length == 0} print elements
["cat", "", "dog", "bird"] ["cat", "dog", "bird"]
Characters. With split we can get the characters from a string. Pass an empty string literal ("") to the split method. The length of the array equals the length of the string.
value = "xyz 1" # Separate chars. array = value.split "" # Write length. puts array.length # Write elements. print array
5 ["x", "y", "z", " ", "1"]
File. Often we need to handle CSV files. We first use the IO.foreach iterator to easily loop over the lines in a text file. Each line must be chomped to remove the trailing newline.
Then We use split() on the commas. The parts between the comma chars are returned in an array.
Detail The program writes the contents of the Array returned by split. It also prints the length of that Array.
# Open this file (change file name for your program). IO.foreach("/files/csv.txt") do |line| # Remove trailing whitespace. line.chomp! # Split on comma. values = line.split(",") # Write results. print values.join("+") << "... " << String(values.length) << "\n" end
cat,tiger,meow,100 airplane,bird,200 tree,grove,400 sand,beach,fish,50
cat+tiger+meow+100... 4 airplane+bird+200... 3 tree+grove+400... 3 sand+beach+fish+50... 4
Parse integers. Often we need to parse integer values that are in a CSV format. We first split the line, and then use Integer to convert each string.
Here We display each number in the string that is equal to or greater than 200. The value 100 is not displayed.
line = "100,200,300" # Split on the comma char. values = line.split(",") # Parse each number in the result array. values.each do |v| number = Integer(v) # Display number if it is greater than or equal to 200. if number >= 200 puts number end end
200 300
Join. This is the opposite of split. It merges together values in an array. With join and split we can parse a string, modify the values, and return the string to its original state.
In CSV files, input lines contain separating characters. We do not need a special parsing method to extract the inner strings. Split(), with a special delimiter, works well.
A review. We learned how to split based on a string delimiter. A regular expression offers more power. And finally we used join to combine strings in an Array.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Nov 16, 2022 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.