String.Format Examples
This page was last reviewed on Jan 3, 2024.
Dot Net Perls
String.Format. Format strings can compose larger Strings from different values. With the String.Format Function, we can use format strings to create useful string representations.
String Interpolation
Format details. We specify numeric formats, date formats and even padding. Format strings are powerful. But they can be complex and difficult to use.
First example. We pass a format String as the first argument to String.Format. The String.Format function returns the fully composed String.
Detail In the format pattern, we see the marker {0}, which means the second argument is to be inserted there.
And The marker {1:0.0} means the third argument is to be inserted there, with one digit after the decimal place.
Finally The marker {2:yyyy} means the fourth argument is to be inserted there, with only the year digits being added.
Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim name As String = "cat" Dim number As Integer = 10000 Dim day As DateTime = New DateTime(2020, 1, 1) ' Format with String.Format. Dim result As String = String.Format("{0}: {1:0.0} - {2:yyyy}", name, number, day) ' Write result. Console.WriteLine(result) End Sub End Module
cat: 10000.0 - 2020
Percentages. With the format pattern {0:0.0%}, the second argument is inserted as a percentage. It is multiplied by 100 to yield 73.0% from the number 0.73.
Warning If you pass a 100-based percentage figure to String.Format, you will get a percentage that is larger than you might want.
Module Module1 Sub Main() ' Convert Double to percentage String. Dim ratio As Double = 0.73 Dim result As String = String.Format("String = {0:0.0%}", ratio) Console.WriteLine(result) End Sub End Module
String = 73.0%
Padding. This is also available through format strings. With the -10 code here, the string is padded to 10 characters with the spaces on the right.
And With the marker {1,10}, the string is padded to ten characters with the spaces on the left.
Thus You can see the types of values inserted in the substitution markers can vary.
Module Module1 Sub Main() ' Format String. Dim format As String = "{0,-10} {1,10}" ' Construct lines. Dim line1 As String = String.Format(format, 100, 5) Dim line2 As String = String.Format(format, "Carrot", "Giraffe") Dim line3 As String = String.Format(format, True, False) ' Print them. Console.WriteLine(line1) Console.WriteLine(line2) Console.WriteLine(line3) End Sub End Module
100 5 Carrot Giraffe True False
ToString. You do not always need to use String.Format for formatting patterns. If you have one variable you want to format as a String, you can usually use ToString instead.
Note The substitution markers, such as {0:0000}, can be changed to just 0000. The argument index is omitted.
Note 2 This is a simpler function call. This simplicity will be reflected in the program's performance.
Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim value As Integer = 123 Dim a As String = String.Format("{0:0000}", value) Dim b As String = value.ToString("0000") ' Print results. They are equal. Console.WriteLine(a) Console.WriteLine(b) End Sub End Module
0123 0123
Console.WriteLine. Our examples could be simplified by using Console.WriteLine directly with a format string. Console.WriteLine uses the same format patterns as String.Format.
And You can call the Console.WriteLine function with the same arguments as String.Format.
DateTime, file name. A common use for String.Format is for converting a DateTime to a string. Once this is done, we can use a DateTime as a file name.
Filename, Date
A summary. String format patterns can be useful. They can help greatly to decrease the complexity of your string code. Concat can result in more complex statements.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Jan 3, 2024 (edit link).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.