A simple example. This program declares a class named Box. There are two stored properties on the class—width and height. These are stored in the memory for the class.
Note Init() is a special method on the class. It is called when we create a new instance by calling Box().
Note 2 The "self" keyword (present in init and area) refers to the current instance of the class.
Here We create a new class instance with width 10 and height 5. We call the area() func, which computes the result.
class Box {
var width: Int
var height: Int
init(width: Int, height: Int) {
self.width = width
self.height = height
func area() -> Int {
// Return width times height.
return self.width * self.height
// Create new instance of Box class.
let test = Box(width: 10, height: 5)
// Compute area for Box instance.
let area = test.area()
// Display area.
Overloaded init. A class may have more than one init method. We can provide overloaded init methods that have formal parameter lists.
Here We can create a Unit with a String, Int argument list, or use just an Int.
Note If a class has an optional stored property, like "model," we do not need to assign it in all the init methods.
class Unit {
var model: String?
var modelId: Int
init(model: String, modelId: Int) {
// This init requires two arguments.
self.model = model
self.modelId = modelId
init(modelId: Int) {
// Only one argument.
self.modelId = modelId
// Create a Unit with the 2-argument init.
let example = Unit(model: "ABC12", modelId: 12)
// Use 1-argument init.
let example2 = Unit(modelId: 13)
Deinit. Swift provides the deinit keyword. This is used to run code before deinitialization. The deinit code is run automatically.
Tip If we assign a class instance to nil, the deinit code block is executed. In this example, we create an Optional Item.
And When the Item instance is assigned to nil, the deinit block is run. Cleanup of system resources can occur here.
class Item {
init() {
print("init called")
deinit {
// Called whenever class stops existing.
print("deinit called")
// Create optional Item variable.
var i: Item? = Item()
// Set optional to nil to force deinit.
i = nilinit called
deinit called
Failable init. An init can be failable. We use the "init?" syntax for this. Here we disallow a Square class to be created if the width or height is less than or equal to zero.
Note A failable init method returns an Optional class instance. The return value may be nil.
So We must test the return value in a let-conditional statement (or with another Optional test).
Tip A failable init makes sense if the class cannot logically exist if an argument is invalid.
class Square {
var width: Int! // Has default value of nil.
var height: Int!
init?(width: Int, height: Int) {
// Do not allow negative width or height.
if width <= 0 {
return nil
if height <= 0 {
return nil
self.width = width
self.height = height
// The initializer succeeds.
var square = Square(width: 10, height: 20)
if let s = square {
// The failable initializer returns nil.
var squareNegative = Square(width: -1, height: -1)
if let s = squareNegative {
// Not reached.
CustomStringConvertible. A type can inherit from CustomStringConvertible (formerly Printable). This means the class has a description property.
And We must define the "description" String property. This should return a string that contains important data about the class instance.
Here The Item class provides a description that includes its size Int. Print() displays the description when passed a class instance.
class Item: CustomStringConvertible {
var size: Int
init(size: Int) {
self.size = size
var description: String {
// Custom string.
return "Item: \(self.size)"
// Create new instance.// ... Print using CustomStringConvertible description.
let item = Item(size: 10)
// Access the description directly.
let description = item.description
print("Description = \(description)")Item: 10
Description = Item: 10
Subscript. Some accesses to a class are more complex: they might use two or more arguments. A subscript can be used to make accesses to a class similar to those of an array or dictionary.
With classes and structs, we build programs with more reusable parts. In larger programs, this leads to simplifications. Classes can even reduce copying and improve performance.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Aug 22, 2023 (edit).